my blog

  1. Johanas Volfgangas fon Gėtė: Pasivaikščiojimas mėnesienoje
  2. how to get the most out of your HostHatch VPS
  3. OPENPGPKEY records are cool
  4. ari-web status page
  5. an honest (subjective) review of Contabo GmbH - a cheap German hosting provider
  6. vegan pancake recipe
  7. migrated from GitHub to self-hosted Forgejo
  8. 1 million !
  9. youtube and their idiotic stunts : forced ads
  10. healthy vegan chickpea soup for sick or lazy days
  11. vegan tom yum soup with tofu
  12. self hosting progress & ari-web fedi ( akkoma instance )
  13. vegan dough balls in sauce
  14. email is now open registration
  15. history repeats
  16. homework : interpretation of the modern hell / šiuolaikinio pragaro interpretacija
  17. the new song lyrics
  18. new email :
  19. butthurt form
  20. 10 th grader speech : totalitarianism and propaganda portrayal in George Orwell's "1984" and "Animal farm"
  21. 10 th grader speech : George Orwell - Animal farm
  22. doml #8 -- 2024/02/20
  23. new ari-web organization member : sininenkissa
  24. my very nice vegan tomato soup :3
  25. doml #7 -- 2024/01/29
  26. ari-web is moving to self-hosted services
  27. NOTICE !! ari-web vps downtime
  28. vim or emacs
  29. ari-web billing situation
  30. how to set up a matrix server with dendrite, linux and nginx
  31. ari-web matrix homeserver
  32. my german days
  33. is up
  34. domain and donations updates
  35. -- new ari-web domain
  36. support ari-web
  37. ari-web server ( update #2 )
  38. comparing hosting providers for
  39. notice : temporary shutdown of
  40. removal of domls 7 and 8
  41. happy 3 rd bday, ari-web
  42. fuck putin ( and his puppets ) (( once again ))
  43. leaking my windows 11 home key
  44. linux
  45. omg pls stop
  46. blogging system rewrite ( again ) :3
  47. how to install lineageos and root ur xiaomi redmi 8 phone using magisk without twrp + bypass of 7-day unlock wait time for mediatek devices
  48. vegan dumplings recipe ig lol
  49. happy 1000 days of ari-web
  50. doml #6 -- 2023/06/27
  51. transgender
  52. schrödingers crush
  53. i feel cool, i reported a bug to [company] and got paid 100$
  54. doml #5 -- 2023/05/06
  55. george orwell -- 1984
  56. transphobia
  57. corporate marionettes
  58. torturetric system
  59. situation
  60. is going to be changed / transphobic, racist and nazi attack on
  61. doml #4 -- 2023/04/07
  62. ari-web index redesign
  63. ari-web blog api change
  64. twitter
  65. ari-web server --
  66. how to close the door ( a beginner friendly lecture for parents )
  67. bash syntax highlighting, part one : concept
  68. doml #3 -- 2023/03/01
  69. low calorie, vegetarian bean soup
  70. doml #2 -- 2023/02/02
  71. i came out to my psychologist -- an update
  72. doml #1 -- 2023/01/29
  73. how does it feel to be a lab rat
  74. chatgpt fun
  75. i came out to my psychologist :')
  76. netlify tos (terms of service) tldr
  77. idk something
  78. pievos - dūno upė lyrics // pievos - dūno upė žodžiai
  79. advent of code 2022
  80. comparison between baz, sheldon and oh-my-bash plugin managers for gnu bash
  81. gnu bash script and general code optimisation tips
  82. how to make your first website
  83. minimal software i made for linux systems
  84. #thinkpeach, not #thinkpink
  85. leaking your ip is not dangerous, please stop being so stupid
  86. contact me
  87. working with paths in c
  88. happy 2nd birthday, ari-web
  89. ari-web blog hyperlink redesign
  90. my view on death
  91. how to generate a report for songs you listen to using mpv
  92. fuck you, putin, you little bitch
  93. the 'www' subdomain is no longer the default for
  94. ari-web now delivers minified content
  95. ari-web apis: how to use them
  96. ari-web apis are going public
  97. how to make your own gentoo linux overlay
  98. ari-web browser compatibility
  99. how to fix contant freezing or disconnecting of wpa_supplicant wifi on rtl8821ce
  100. my music artist recommendations
  101. sorry for deleting some blog posts
  102. homework: -ish have to present some stuff about my projects and things
  103. the best temperature system -- degrees torture (t°)
  104. how to manually install alpine linux on any linux distribution
  105. billing documentation slightly improved
  106. stop trying to replace c++
  107. simplicity is not ease
  108. experiments
  109. discord is a pure shithole, shitcord
  110. i'm leaving collabvm
  111. modernism
  112. "aš už tradicinę šeimą" movement in lithuania
  113. abot (ari-bot) bot on collabvm
  114. how i feel about rust being added to linux kernel version 5.20
  115. goodbye, technoblade :(
  116. salad fingers
  117. what kind of pedophilic bullshit is this 'freespeechtube'
  118. me, an lgbt person + anti-lgbt family = no
  119. fasm -- the almost perfect assembler
  120. fuck smokers
  121. restricting contributions on ari-web
  122. being lgbt in lithuania, my expierience
  123. accesibility issues of ari-web
  124. important: impersonation of me on the internet
  125. stop caring about the looks
  126. weird ass day
  127. my enneagram type
  128. my personality type
  129. "duckduckgo? more like duckduckno" blog proven
  130. i got outted by my classmate, on pride month, fun
  131. pride month just started and i'm already in pain
  132. wtf is going on and why is my site blowing up
  133. happy (almost) pride month :)
  134. introducing the ari-web api!
  135. user opinion and comments site is now up :)
  136. my gentoo linux setup
  137. is assembly bloated?
  138. shutdown of my tcl (tiny core linux) mirror
  139. how to print coloured text in c and c++
  140. happy pi(e) day
  141. new blog management system!