OPENPGPKEY records are cool

OPENPGPKEY are a nice feature of modern DNS for email encryption and authentication. Let's see what talk there is about it!

Correction: I have reinterpreted the RFC, and I figured out my original interpretation of it was wrong (I interpreted "octets" as hex digest octets, rather than binary hex hash digest octets on accident). I have done this in a short period (around an hour) and I have republished the corrected version.


I just found out about OPENPGPKEY records in modern DNS while exploring the deSEC homepage. I logged into my deSEC account and there it was - OPENPGPKEY DNS record type.

Well, I wondered - what is it, and how can I set it up.

Which led me to multiple articles and generators, which then led me to the RFC document at

I began hand-crafting my own OPENPGPKEY record generator based off the RFC.

# OPENPGPKEY record generator

I read the intro of the aforementioned RFC until I found this:

  1. Location of the OPENPGPKEY Record

The DNS does not allow the use of all characters that are supported in the "local-part" of email addresses as defined in [RFC5322] and [RFC6530]. Therefore, email addresses are mapped into DNS using the following method:

  1. The "left-hand side" of the email address, called the "local- part" in both the mail message format definition [RFC5322] and in the specification for internationalized email [RFC6530]) is encoded in UTF-8 (or its subset ASCII). If the local-part is written in another charset, it MUST be converted to UTF-8.

  2. The local-part is first canonicalized using the following rules. If the local-part is unquoted, any comments and/or folding whitespace (CFWS) around dots (".") is removed. Any enclosing double quotes are removed. Any literal quoting is removed.

  3. If the local-part contains any non-ASCII characters, it SHOULD be normalized using the Unicode Normalization Form C from [Unicode90]. Recommended normalization rules can be found in Section 10.1 of [RFC6530].

  4. The local-part is hashed using the SHA2-256 [RFC5754] algorithm, with the hash truncated to 28 octets and represented in its hexadecimal representation, to become the left-most label in the prepared domain name.

  5. The string "_openpgpkey" becomes the second left-most label in the prepared domain name.

  6. The domain name (the "right-hand side" of the email address, called the "domain" in [RFC5322]) is appended to the result of step 2 to complete the prepared domain name.

For example, to request an OPENPGPKEY resource record for a user whose email address is "", an OPENPGPKEY query would be placed for the following QNAME: "c93f1e400f26708f98cb19d936620da35". The corresponding RR in the zone might look like (key shortened for formatting):

c9[..] IN OPENPGPKEY <base64 public key>

Based off this part alone pretty much, I made a shell script that generated a valid output! It is located at licensed under the public domain (CC0) and it looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env sh


set -eu

main() {
    if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
            echo "Generates an OPENPGPKEY DNS record based off your Email and a Public GPG key ID."
            echo "Usage: $0 <email> <GPG key ID>"
        } >&2
        return 1

    # Confirm user localpart

    localpart="$(printf -- '%s' "$1" | cut -d'@' -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

    printf -- " * Your email username (localpart) is '\033[1m%s\033[0m', correct? In lowercase, enter either 'y' (for yes) or 'n' (for no): " "$localpart"
    read -r yn
    if [ "$yn" -ne 'y' ]; then
        echo " * Incorrect information provided." >&2
        return 1

    # Localpart digest is the SHA256 hex digest truncated to 28 octets (which is 56 hex bytes 0x??)
    localpart_digest="$(printf -- '%s' "$localpart" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -c1-56)"

    # And the value has to be the base64-encoded public key, exported as binary
    gpg_public_key_b64="$(gpg --export --export-options export-minimal,no-export-attributes -- "$2" | base64 -w 0)"

    printf '\n\033[32m%s\033[0m._openpgpkey. \033[90mIN OPENPGPKEY\033[0m \033[1m%s\033[0m\n' "$localpart_digest" "$gpg_public_key_b64"

main "$@"

(... just signifies the cut out status message, author, and license)

The main functionality is located in two lines of code:

    # Localpart digest is the SHA256 hex digest truncated to 28 octets (which is 56 hex bytes 0x??)
    localpart_digest="$(printf -- '%s' "$localpart" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -c1-28)"

    # And the value has to be the base64-encoded public key, exported as binary
    gpg_public_key_b64="$(gpg --export --export-options export-minimal,no-export-attributes -- "$2" | base64 -w 0)"

localpart_digest SHA-256 hex digest of the localpart (username) of an email address (for example becomes just 'hi'). As per the RFC point 3.4 it is truncated to 28 octets (or 56 hex bytes), for which we use the cut utility.

gpg_public_key_b64 is the public key encoded in base64, pretty self-explanatory. It exports solely the key by using GPG options, ignoring all attributes and only exporting the essential parts of the key, and then encoding it in a single-line of base64.

After which, we just print out the DNS record in a pretty way :D

<SHA-256 hex hash of the lowercase localpart truncated to 56 characters>._openpgpkey. IN OPENPGPKEY <base64-encoded public GPG/OpenPGP key>

And now, you can even verify my key this way by checking the OPENPGPKEY record on - this is for :)

Peace ✌