Ari-web APIs recently have become public, meaning anyone can use them on anywhere, so, how should you use them properly?
# 1. Validate hashes
All APIs have hashes for validation, and APIs are much more expensive to call than just comparing two hashes
First up make an uncached request, cache the request, then make a request to get the calculated hash, cache it too
Next time only make a request to get the hash, if the hashes match, if they do, use the cached API response, if it does not match, get the updated data, cache it and so on
# Hashes
The hashes are sha256 sums of the APIs, here's all the APIs hashing system
This is already a standard in Ari-web, also if www
subdomains don't work, try out removing www
# 2. Make as little requests as you can
This is kinda an extension of point 1, just don't make 10 requests to every API if you only need the sitelist.json
once for example
# That's it
That's it, I got nothing else, this whole blog could have been just
Make as little and I mean AS LITTLE requests as possible to the APIs