My Gentoo Linux setup summarised in one blog: General theme: Coffee theme TTY theme: Windowing system: X(org) X startup: StartX/Xinit X software Application runner: DMenu Window manager: DWM Locker: SLock Terminal emulator: ST Graphics toolkit: GTK GTK theme and icons: Gruvbox-material-gtk-theme Core system Init system: OpenRC SSH daemon: OpenSSH SSL lib: OpenSSL Login manager: ELoginD Firmware: UEFI C lib: GLibC CLI/TUI applications Package manager: portage Python package manager: pip JavaScript package manager: npm Shell: BASH Completion: bash-completion Plugin manager: baz shortcmd-baz-plugin coloured-man-pages-plugin better-bash-baz-plugin ls-aliases-baz-plugin vifzf-keybinds-baz-plugin coffee.tty-theme coffee.baz-plugin venvin-baz-plugin trash-cli-rm-baz yt-dlp-aliases-baz-plugin bettercmd-baz-plugin cmdutils-baz-plugin Multiplexer: TMUX Trash: trash-cli Finder: Fzf File indexing: Mlocate?lang=en) SUID tool: Kos "Cat" program: Bat "Ls" program: Lsd "Df" command: Duf Fetch tool: Yafetch (my fork) (Original) Manual pages: manDB Calender: Calcurse Telegram client: Arigram TUI web browser: Lynx Other GUI applications Web browser: Firefox Password manager: KeePassXC Media PDF viewer: Zathura Media player: MPV Image viewer (though I mainly use it for wallpaper): Feh YouTube downloader: yt-dlp Development tools Editor: ViM Plugin manager: ViMPlug turbio/bracey.vim mattn/emmet-vim neoclide/coc.nvim coc-json coc-snippets coc-lua coc-sh coc-css coc-html coc-tsserver coc-docker coc-vimlsp w0rp/ale coffee-theme/lightline.vim vim-latex/vim-latex google/vim-maktaba TruncatedDinosour/vim-codefmt Yggdroot/indentLine drmingdrmer/vim-tabbar lilydjwg/colorizer christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator tpope/vim-surround editorconfig/editorconfig-vim godlygeek/tabular haya14busa/is.vim machakann/vim-highlightedyank luochen1990/rainbow coffee-theme/coffee.vim vim-scripts/vimbuddy.vim euclio/vim-markdown-composer Languages (main ones) LaTeX Clang for C and C++ Python FASM assembler Formatters (main ones) Python: Black and ISort Shell: SHFmt C and C++: Clang-format Markdown, JavaScript, (S)CSS and html: Clang-format, JS-beautify, Prettier VCS: git + OpenSSH + GPG Sound system: ALSA Fonts Fira mono Freefont Nerd fonts (hack font specifically) Urw fonts Misc Process viewer: htop-vim Password generator: pwdtools File validation, hashing and information: Filetools Charset manager: Char License manager: Lmgr Project manager: Mkproj I think that's about it when it comes to important stuff, LMK if you want anything else added :) Dotfiles: