Abot is a bot created by me because why not, the source code: https://ari.lt/gh/abot
Prefix is just a mention of it, for example: @ari-bot die
-- Says hello back to the user log <me|user> <in|out> <auth key>
-- Logs a user (or you) in or out, needs an auth key getkey
-- Gets the auth key and prints serverside whoami
-- Prints your username die
-- Makes the bot exit savecfg
-- Saves the config note <name> <content...>
-- Make a note get <name>
-- Print a note del <name>
-- Delete a note notes
-- Get a list of notes ignore <user>
-- Ignore a user acknowledge <user>
-- Ignore a user ignored
-- Get ignored users insult <me|user>
-- Insults a specified or current user revokey
-- Revokes current auth key alias <name> <content...>
-- Alias a command to a command unalias <name>
-- Unalias alias alias aliases
-- List all aliases report <user> <reason>
-- Reports a user to admins (requires a discord webhook url in report-webhook-url
config option) sendkey
-- Sends a key to a discord channel (requires a discord webhook url in authkey-webhook-url
config option) chatlog
-- Sends current chatlog dumplog
-- Dumps current chatlog say <thing>
-- Says whatever you tell it to say searchnote <search>
-- Searches for a note searchalias <search>
-- Searches for an alias impersonator <user>
-- Marks a user as an impersonator notimpersonator <user>
-- Marks a user as not an impersonator turn
-- Takes turn keys <combo>
-- Types a key combo (see Key Combos section) endturn
-- Ends turn skeys
-- Lists saved key combos skey <name> <combo>
-- Save a key combo ikey <combo_name>
-- Invoke a saved combo reloadcfg
-- Reload config dkey <combo_name>
-- Delete a saved combo
# Key Combos
Key combos are special syntactical strings which can be understood by abot and interpreted as key presses, the syntax is as follows:
-- Presses CTRL
+ char
and then releases CTRL
(e.g. ^c
-- Types an escapable character (e.g. \n
-- Enter e
-- Escape c
-- Control a
-- Alt b
-- Backspace w
-- Windows key )
-- Literal )
-- Shift t
-- Tab l
-- Num lock
-- Presses an arrow key (e.g. ~l
-- Left u
-- Up r
-- Right d
-- Dowb
-- Presses F<num>
key (e.g. [2]
-- Writes literal ascii values (e.g. (\Hello world!)
-- Releases an escapable character (e.g. !n
-- Repeat last action for <num>
times (e.g. H{2}
) {<num>:<num1>}
-- Repeat last <num>
actions for <num1>
times (e.g. Hello{2:1}
-- Press and release an escapable character (e.g. |n
Anything else is just (<string>)
-- Press a key with specified keycode (on state) <keycode:state>
-- Press a key with specified keycode (specified state)
-- Trigger/inline a combo
# Few fun things
- If you say "Im <something>", "I'm <something>" or "I am <something>" it'll answer with "Hi <something>, I'm <bot name> :)"
- If you say the only the set owners name it'll answer with "@user smh whattttttttttttt"
- If you mention the bot with no content it'll answer with "@<user> Huh? What do you want lol"
- If you you say that you're the bot (refer to #1) or the owner when you're actually not it'll doubt you
- It responds to Mr. Ware bot's "@Emperor Palpatine is not the senate. Trust me." message with "Yes he is >:("