update for https://blog.ari.lt/b/notice-temporary-shutdown-serverariwebxyz/ : i will use contabo
update 2024-08-04 : decided to switch away from contabo, see https://blog.ari.lt/b/an-honest-review-contabo-gmbh-cheap-german-hosting-provider/
all money will b presented in euro, if its in dollars, will b converted to euro
# scoring
the score is a number determining how good a service is for me, i assign arbitrary numbers to each point depending on my needs and quality of the provided feature, higher is better, negative doesnt mean horrible, treat it as an infinite range rather than a solid score out of n
, higher is better
# providers that i considered
keep in mind, i looked into many ( and i mean MANY ) more providers, but if i saw its too expensive i didnt even bother
- great performance +1.8
- german based +0.5
- people have reported facing issues with packet loss -1
- great cost ( 4.51 cheapest ( 1 intel code, 2 gig ram, 20 gig storage, 20 tb traffic ), 6.37 good enough for me ( 2 intel cores, 4 gig ram, 40 gig storage, 20 tb traffic ) ) +1
- price range 4.38 to 58.06
- good reliability +0.85
- extreme handling for pay, if u dont pay they might lock and erase ur server -1
- people complained about support -0.5
- they require id verification ( !! ) -2
- bad customer support -0.1
- 20 euro if they consider u a 'high risk' -1
- control and monitoring -0.35
- extreme handling of abuse reports
- dictatorship-esque company model, shutdown with no notice -0.4
- good security practices +0.8
- good quality in the long term +1
overall score : -1.4
this section has been edited
- bad performance issues, esp with disk and network -1 -- actually, the performance is MUCH better than linode's nanonode, still could be better +0.5
- great price +1.8
- funny prices for add-ons tho, which r useless bc they can b achieved by doing it all urself
- price range from 4.5 to 31.49
- generous resources ( for example 8 gig ram, 50 gig nvme or 200 gig ssd and 32 tb traffic ( outgoing, incoming is any ) for just 4.5 euro ) +1.1
- a lot of downtime, almost daily downtime of 10 mins to 4 hours -2 -- false rumours i think, so far i've had no downtime and it all looks good, i don't get the complaints, +2
- eco friendly +0.6
- absolutely horrible customer support who dont know anything -0.3 -- false, customer support is more than okay +0.3
- unreliable due to maintenance, issues following it and sometimes servers get locked out, and with added horrible support -1.2
- the company and their policy is described as a 'scam' -1
- german standards +0.5
- extremely strict treating of payment, just like dictatorship-esque company model w hetzner, but on meth -0.8
- issues regarding packet and data loss -0.45
- ootb ddos protection +0.5
overall score : -2.25
edited overall score : 0.55
- good price +0.4
- from 5.39 euro to 34.29 euro
- questionable hardware for the price -0.2
- cheapest plan : 1 core, 2 gig ram, 40 gig nvme ssd, 250 mbps, ipv6 access, unlimited bandwidth
- good uptime -- 99.9% +0.5
- good performance +0.5
- horrible support -0.2
- ddos protection +0.5
- bloat, but not as much as hostinger -0.3
- horrible customer experience -0.8
- common billing issues with no refund or support -1.5
- europe based ( france ) +0.1
overall score : -1
- fine price and good selection of plans +0.3
- fine hardware for the price +0.3
- for example 8 euro a month for 2 cores, 8 gig ram, 45 gb nvme ssd and 4 tb bandwidth
- great performance +1
- bad, or even non-existant ddos protection, false advertisement -0.5
- good refund policy +0.5
- small storage -1
- europe based +0.5
- overcharge on attacks instead of shutting down the server or notifying beforehand -0.3
total score : 0.8
- good deal for the hardware u get +0.8
- price range is 3.25 to 44.67
- a great ratio between cost and hardware +1
- the cheapest plan, 3.25, has 2 cores, 2 gig ram, 40 gig ssd and 80 tb traffic
- ddos protection +0.5
- horrible network performance -1
- overcharge you, dont let u terminate the contract -1
- good uptime +0.3
- reliable network and storage +0.3
total score : 0.9
- extremely great cost for hardware +2
- inflexible plans -0.5
- great performance with some instability +0.9
- questionable customer support -0.04
- they dont support stuff like rdns -0.5
total score : 1.86
- good prices for hardware +0.5
- for 5 euro u can get 50 gig ssd, 4 cores, and 4 gig of ram
- good customer support +0.22
- stable and reliable +1
- loads of plans, much flexibility +0.2
- lack of specific storage options -0.5
- europe based +0.5
- frequent downtimes ( once a month ) -1
total score : 0.92
# other possible options
# considering
well, before i considered hetzner, although now its out of my list, here is the things im considering from least likely to use to most likely to use :
- alphavps -- good ratio for the hardware and price, high performance, although low hardware compared to smt like contabo and false advertisement
- contabo -- very cheap, great prices, even though the reviews r nothing but horror stories i talked to a couple of ppl who have used contabo srsly before and i think thts the one ill go for server.ari-web.xyz
- hostkey -- good prices, good customer support, although frequent downtimes, although tht might as well b the same horror stories as w contabo
- netcup -- good prices, but, people have pointed out how sketchy it seems and their resources dont compare to contabo
- hostbrr -- extremely sketchy, but attractive prices, i will do anything to avoid this, but i saw positive reviews